C-walker on Thu, 13 Aug 2009 01:16:33 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-d] Proposal: Fix and Simplify Gnomes

I wrote:

> {{
> Fix and Simplify Gnomes (AI = 2, II = 3)

It strikes me that this is a rather large proposal which attempts to
do lots of things, so I have written the following 'guide' to what it
actually does:

- Gets rid of Secondary and National Gnomes.
- A few small fixes.
- Pragmatises Gnome awards, fixing the bug with Water Gnomes in the process.
- Shifts the Gnome awarding duties to other relevant offices, for
example proposal Gnomes are awarded by the Assessor. Deceases the II
of the Gardener office to 2 to account for this.
- Increases the number of Gnomes need to create a Vote Coin to three.
- Fixes a few bugs in the 'Gameplay' proposal that is currently in
voting (If it passes, of course).

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