comex on Sun, 22 Feb 2009 10:23:00 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-d] [s-b] [Attn Joel] "Urgent" last-minute A business

On Sun, Feb 22, 2009 at 10:17 AM, Elliott Hird
<penguinofthegods@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> As comex has pointed out, we don't become players until you
> acknowledge our motions, and the 2001ers are not Away until you
> declare them to be so.


None of the following have voted in the last three nweeks, so I hereby
grant each the [Away] attribute: 404notfound, Aranor, Benjamin, Blest
Lax Monk Pal, Dave, Ed, Feyd, God, Jeff Schroeder, Joerg, jonno,
M'cachessilnath, Poulenc, PurpleBob, relet, Remo, sabby, The Kid,

The following Motions to Add are recognized:

Serial Number      Time (UTC)       Author
M50*               2-19-09 19:00    Wooble
M51                2-19-09 19:23    ehird
M52*               2-19-09 19:41    comex
M53*               2-19-09 19:46    ehird
M54*               2-19-09 20:40    0x44
M55                2-19-09 20:42    j
M56                2-19-09 20:43    teucer
M57*               2-19-09 20:45    teucer
M58                2-19-09 21:32    Warrigal
M59                2-19-09 21:51    kisse
M60*               2-19-09 22:19    Murphy
M61*               2-20-09 07:36    kisse
M62                2-21-09 16:22    Codae
M63*               2-21-09 16:46    Billy Pilgrim
M64                2-21-09 19:00    Sgeo

* Unanimous consent was sought.

I hereby resign from the office of Administrator.

## Optional: I hereby gain the [Away] attribute.
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