Elliott Hird on Fri, 6 Feb 2009 18:56:55 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-d] [s-b] A highly original contract


On 2009-02-07, comex <comexk@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I create the following Contract and consent to be a party to it:
> {The name of this Contract is the Strict Interpretation League.
> Parties to this contract are known as Losers. Initially, comex is a
> Loser.  Any person can become a party to this contract with the
> consent of a majority of existing Losers. Any person who was not an
> Enemy in the last 30 days can leave this contract at will. This
> Contract can be amended by any Loser with the consent of three Losers
> or all but two Losers, whichever is greater.
> An Enemy is anyone who is in the Enemies List, which is the following:
> {Warrigal, JamesB, Codae}. If an Enemy becomes a Loser, this Contract
> amends itself to remove the Enemy from the Enemies List. Losers shall
> not claim an answer made by an Enemy to be consistent. The Minister of
> Questions, if he is a Loser, should not (but may) assign a
> consultation regarding interpretation of the rules to an Enemy. Losers
> should not (but may) vote for a non-Loser to be Minister of Questions.
>  Losers should (but need not) name an Enemy as the Unbeliever to all
> their consultations.
> Losers shall not cause damage to other Losers unless they
> simultaneously cause more damage to Enemies.}
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