Jamie Dallaire on Wed, 28 Jan 2009 16:32:31 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-d] [s-b] Fix proposals

On Wed, Jan 28, 2009 at 4:59 PM, Ed Murphy <emurphy42@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Game Actions which involve calculating things that are unreasonable,
> impossible or ambiguous fail and have no effect.  Determining what
> meets that criteria is up to Ministries and the Consultation system.
> No rule, game document, or game action may require or force any
> retroactive changes to the game state.

The following isn't a problem with this Proposal per se, but rather just one
that already exists and persists through this proposal...

I've just realized that those two paragraphs might interact in a strange

The first might be the only part of the Rules that actually grants the
Justice system the power to affect gamestate outside of the justice system.

Judicial decisions concerning a purported game action involving a possibly
unreasonable calculation are by their very nature taken AFTER the game
action is attempted.

The second paragraph prohibits retroactive changes, e.g. a pondered answer
affecting whether or not a past action succeeded.

Of course, the alternative view which might be quite valid is the same one
that applies to the justice system in general. Answers don't -decide- what
happened or didn't, they only reflect the players' general opinion on what
did or did not happen.

I'm just not sure whether that alternative view might not be a wee bit less
tenable with respect to the unreasonable calculations, given the explicit
invoking of the consultation system for resolving these issues.


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