Jamie Dallaire on Fri, 23 Jan 2009 16:41:15 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-d] [s-b] Consultation 200 on Same Titles

> On Tue, Jan 20, 2009 at 11:09 AM, M P Darke <darkemalcolm@xxxxxxxxxxx
> >wrote:
> > Excuse me...
> >
> > "
> > There cannot be two game objects with the same title. A mistake?
> > "
> >
> > Really? What about the Trophy "A gleaming steel Rapier" (I believe, I've
> > got parental controls on my laptop, and b.nomic.net is currently
> blocked)
> > and the Weapon Rapier?
> >
> > I submit a consultation:
> > Can there be two game objects with the same title?
> > Unbeliever: ehird
> > Barred: Marr965 (This is me, by the way, and I bar myself from answering
> it
> > on the grounds that I will be biased.)

I Answer Consultation 200 YES.

Titles are an Attribute of Rules (5E8) and Proposals (5E33). There exists no
limitation, in any Rule, on the similarity of Titles.

That is it for the literal reading.

It can, however, be argued that it has been game custom to treat the Title
of a Rule or Proposal as its Name. Both "title" and "name" are currently
ill-defined, but may be de facto equivalent. If we treat them as such, then
Rule 5E42 ("No Game Object may come to have the same name as another Game
Object.") disallows the creation of a Rule or Proposal with the same Title
as another.

That said, it is the act of creating (or renaming) the Rule or Proposal that
is impossible, not the existence of two identically-named Game Objects (be
they Rules, Proposals, or other). Rule 5E42's prohibition only came about
with the start of B Nomic's 5th Era, so it is entirely possible for Game
Objects created prior to the 5th Era (or simultaneously with it) to have the
same name. As I have previously noted, I believe that this is in fact the
case for various Switches.

Billy Pilgrim
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