Craig Daniel on Mon, 5 Jan 2009 16:47:09 -0700 (MST)

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[s-d] The Emergency: how to predict my ballot!

We're in an emergency. As soon as J initiates the Pause, we're going
to have RPs coming in. Below, I list the issues I think are relevant;
most of them are not crises and thus don't (in my opinion) need to be
fixed via emergency. For each one, I'm going to assign a range of
points that may be awarded to each RP for its handling of the issue; a
solution I regard as ideal will get the highest number of points
available, while a solution that makes things worse will get the
lowest possible number or, if it's really really terrible, less.
Proposals get zero points for that issue, which is better than a bad
proposal. The higher-scoring proposals get my vote over lower-scoring

1. Retroactive forfeiture is (IMO) legal and utterly stupid. It's also
probably got game-destroying potential, though I don't see an obvious
exploit, so it's the one thing we desperately need to do via
emergency. +30 to +50 points for fixing it.
2. Rule 0 needs an overhaul to make it more scam-proof and harder to
set off. That said, I don't think it's actually so urgent we need an
emergency, and we don't want a crappy but less hole-ridden version as
a stopgap. -20 to +30 points for messing with rule 0.
3. Tweaks probably aren't broken, but it might be nice to guarantee
that they aren't. +5 points for fixing that.
4. Let's make the clock startable again, shall we? +3 points per
currently unfilled ministry that your RP assigns to somebody who's
agreed to do the job. -1 point per currently unfilled ministry you
assign to somebody who hasn't agreed to do the job; -5 points per
currently unassigned ministry that your RP gives to me.
5. At the moment, nothing else is a crisis-level problem in my
opinion. -100 to +10 points for meddling with any of that rather than
waiting for the normal game procedures like proposals and tweaks to do
what they are made to do.

Oh, and if nobody else beats me to it I'm probably going to submit a
null RP ({All PEPs become Calm} or the like), which will inherently
have a score of 0.

 - teucer
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