Jay Campbell on Thu, 4 Dec 2008 21:32:13 -0700 (MST)

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[s-d] Era 4 History

Some things from E4 I'd like to see documented, and would help compile:

- When I automated the Chess subgame and BobTHJ wiped me out while I was 
busy bugfixing, so I broke the League for Sane B Chess charter and 
turned the clock repeatedly, walking my pieces over the board until 
(theoretically) everyone else died.

- ehird's obligation of the MoB to track a programmatically generated 
set of instructions, then my parsing of those instructions so the public 
display could be made current anyway.

- Wooble's repeated (and often successful) attempts to prove we have 
never been playing the game we thought. Or in some cases, valid players 
at all. Or sentient humans.

- Billy Pilgrim's "nuke them from a balloon, it's the only way to be 
sure" annihilation of all other players and the subsequent repeal of RPG 

- The lengthy list of reasons B went into Emergency.

- Werewolves, Life and the other sub-games

- The (still pending) effort to install B's E4 as Nomicapolis's ruleset 

- Various abuses of Contract Law including enslavement and ninjas.

I know I'm leaving out some great stuff, so please don't be shy...
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