Charles Schaefer on Thu, 27 Nov 2008 13:44:04 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-d] Refresh TODO list

2008/11/27, Jay Campbell bnomic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:
> Before I calmed to stop the emergency, the majority of players would
> rather have started over with one rule than adopt your RP. Doesn't that
> tell you something?

I actually really like ehird's proposed ruleset. There's just something
about doing it all in the RP I don't like. However, I don't get the rule
renumbering thing. Is there some reason we can't use our fourth-era rules
during the fifth era? If ehird narrows down his RP to just the ruleset
improvements and then proposed things like the Grid later on, I would vote
for it. (I don't want to vote in the Grid until I have more time to consider
it in detail without it being attached to the fixes.)

ehird (and everyone else too): I hope this helps you understand where I'm
coming from.

> Charles Schaefer
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