0x44 on Sat, 8 Nov 2008 11:51:24 -0700 (MST)

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[s-d] Proto-Proposal: Currency Fix.

Amend Rule 4e33 to read:
    Currency Owning is a Property with a Scope of all Players, 
Contracts, and Corporations. An Object with the Currency Owning Property 
may be referred to as a Currency Owning Object or COO.

    Currency, or Money, is a class of Game Object that may be owned in 
units by Currency Owning Objects. For each Currency defined, each 
Currency Owning Object has a Balance Attribute for that currency. The 
Balance Attribute has a Scope of all Currency Owning Objects, and a 
Range of all non-negative integers, a default value of 0. The value of a 
COO's Balance Attribute for a Currency is the number of units of the 
Currency owned by that COO.

    A COO may give Currency to another COO by game action as follows: he 
specifies a Currency, an amount (which must be greater than zero, and 
less than or equal to his Balance of that Currency), and the Recipient; 
that amount is deducted from his Balance Attribute for that Currency; 
the Recipient's Balance Attribute for that Currency is increased by that 
amount; ownership of that number of Currency Objects is transfered from 
the owner to the Recipient. If, for any reason, the Recipient cannot 
take ownership of the Currency, or the Recipients Balance Attrbute for 
that currency cannot increase, or the Owner cannot transfer ownership of 
the Currency, or the Owner's Balance Attribute for that Currency cannot 
decrease, nothing happens.

    A COO may destroy an amount of its own Currency by game action as 
follows: he specifies a Currency, and an amount (which must be greater 
than zero, and less than or equal to his Balance of that Currency); that 
amount is deducted from his Balance Attribute for that Currency, and 
that number of Currency Objects are destroyed. If, for any reason, the 
Owner's Balance Attribute for that Currency cannot decrease, nothing 

    A Player may exchange points for Currency by game action. The rule 
or rules defining the Currency will set the exchange rate. The player 
declares how many points he wishes to exchange (which cannot be less 
than 0 or more points than he has) and the currency he wishes to 
receive. He loses that many points and gains (exchange rate * points) in 
the currency. If for any reason the amount of his points cannot go down 
or the amount of his chosen currency cannot go up, then nothing happens.

Amend Rule 4e45 to read:
    The default Currency of this game is mackerel, also known as a mack 
(singular) or macks (plural). This can be shortened to a lower-case m 
[[see below]].

    There is an attribute "mackerel" which is the Balance Attribute for 
this Currency. The value of this attribute should always be expressed 
starting with a lower-case m, for example, m50.

    Points may be exchanged for mackerel at the rate of one (1) point 
per five (5) mackerel.

    Whenever an entity becomes a Player, if he has fewer than fifty 
macks (m50), fifty mackerel objects are created in his possession, and 
his mackerel attribute is set to m50 to reflect that Balance.

    At the beginning of each nweek, each player who has the Active 
Property gains m25.

Rule 4e73: The Judge
    Add the following paragraph:
        When the Judge Assigns as Punishment a fine in a Currency, the 
Guilty Party is obligated to destroy that number of their own Currency 
objects in that Currency for no effect. Any player who has not fulfilled 
their obligation to destroy those Currency objects as a result of a 
punishment is not a Registered Voter.


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