Charles Schaefer on Sun, 21 Sep 2008 05:26:25 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-d] [s-b] To Do List (and CHALLENGES)

2008/9/19, Tyler <wisety@xxxxxxxxx>:
> In response to Charles' challenge:
> I don't recall your current Ministries being vacant when the nweek
> advanced.
> Can you point me to the date you took the ministries this week, or the date
> you left them before that, or both?
> Or is there some other part of Rule 48 I should be looking at?

My bad. I misread the rule.

2008/9/19, Tyler <wisety@xxxxxxxxx>:
> I'm sorry Charles, I had Consultation 127 still marked Waiting. It's true
> and pondered and the 127 Oracularity is the one that changes the
> Transaction
> Rules, which the MoL ought to update. Thus I renew the challenge as to that
> point.


2008/9/19, Tyler <wisety@xxxxxxxxx>:
> Oops, you did update the rule about Minister removal. (It shows in
> the individual rule's history, but not in the overall page's history, which
> was where I looked.) But I still can't find the Criminal rule that we voted
> back in.

Once again, my bad. I changed the rule from the repealed category to the
active category, but neglected to add it back to the main rule page. It is
there now.
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