Jay Campbell on Tue, 10 Jun 2008 17:11:44 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-d] [s-b] New Contract

You have the ability to accept a bribe then modify the contract before 
voting starts.

Charles Schaefer wrote:
> I submit the following contract, titled "Votes For Sale!":
> Section 1. This Contract is the Articles of Incorporation for the
> Corporation known as Votes For Sale, Inc. (which may be referred to as
> "VFS")
> Section 2. This Corporation has a single Officer, known as Da Boss. Da Boss
> may take any action on behalf of this Corporation by sending a message to a
> B Nomic Public Forum. Da Boss is the player named Charles.
> Section 3. Da Boss may amend this contract at any time unless a voting
> period is in progress.
> Section 4. Da Boss agrees to vote as specified by this contract. Players may
> bribe Da Boss to vote a specific way using the following procedure:
> Section 5. Once a proposal is made, any party to this contract (other than
> Da Boss) may transfer a number of mackerel to the VFS ("the bribe") along
> with a specified vote on that proposal. This must be done before the start
> of the last nday of the voting period in which that proposal is on the
> ballot.
> Section 6. The proposal and specified vote may be sent privately, but the
> mackerel must be sent via the Public Forum.
> Section 7. During the last nday of the voting period, Da Boss shall, for
> each proposal, cast the vote that has received the largest number of
> mackerel.
> Section 8. Before any bribe has been received on a proposal, Da Boss may
> declare that his vote on that proposal is "Not For Sale", in which case no
> bribes will be accepted on that proposal and Da Boss is free to vote however
> he wishes. No bribes will be accepted until 12 hours after the submission of
> a proposal, to give Da Boss time to declare his vote "Not For Sale".
> Section 9. If a proposal has multiple voting options tied for having the
> most mackerel, Da Boss shall choose one of these options to vote.
> Section 10. Da Boss may not cease to be a party to this Contract. Other
> players are free to become or cease to be a party to this contract at any
> time.
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