Charles Schaefer on Wed, 28 May 2008 22:18:01 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-d] Proto: Paprika

1. I volunteer for this experiment.

2. There is a spoon-calvinball list (but there is no spoon).

3. I think we should consider making the field match framework more general.
Not all games will require a priority list, some might have actions
processed simultaniously. Also, some games might not even need a field. We
could just have a generic Subgame Match. I'll try to write up a good
proposal for this next nweek.

2008/5/28, Jamie Dallaire <bad.leprechaun@xxxxxxxxx>:
> Not a proper version of the game including the mechanisms for secrecy or
> some dm or dm-bot. Just a set of rules by which the game of Paprika could
> be
> played in the Field Match framework (which would require modifications for
> private displays and such of course). Please suggest modifications/discuss
> them as I will be attempting to run an informal game with whoever wants to
> volunteer to play it (just 3-4 players would probably be best at this
> point)
> and tracking all private displays as well as the true gamestate openly on
> my
> page of the wiki (or elsewhere if that works better). I guess I will start
> in a few days, maybe around the start of next nweek or whenever it looks
> like no one is suggesting huge changes/I have the time to do it.
> I'm not worried about wording or minor technicalities at this point.
> Paprika Field Match
> -----------------------------
> *Field:* 8x12 square (not a torus!) with squares in both diagonal and
> cardinal directions adjacent. The Field is Turned at every occurence of
> 00:00 UTC.
> *Displays:* Each Player has eir own Private Display of their Perceived
> Gamestate (including the Field and Field objects, as well as the Priority
> List). There exists no publicly-available Display, though one showing the
> True Gamestate will be available for the practice.
> *Victory:* a Player wins when their Avatar reaches (in the True Gamestate)
> the top row of the Field.
> *Priority List:* Randomly-determined at the start of the game, setting all
> Avatars in order. Priority List may change thereafter based on certain
> invokable actions. The effects of actions (all are invokable) occur in
> order
> according to the Priority List when the Field is Turned. All other Field
> Objects stay at the end of this List, permanently (there but they might as
> well not be).
> *Dreams vs Reality:* Each Player is, on any given nday, in Dream
> (Sleeping) or in Reality (Awake, Waking). Each Players Waking/Sleeping
> state
> is determined randomly and independently at the beginning of an nday and is
> never revealed to the Player (well excep tin Practice...). Actions taken
> while Awake affect the true Gamestate as well as the Perceived Gamestates
> of the Acting Player and of all other Waking Players (unless anything else
> Freeze-Ray). Actions taken while Sleeping have no effect on the true
> Gamestate but do affect the Perceived Gamestates of the Acting Player and
> of
> all other Waking Players. Some examples:
> BobTHJ is, in reality, Frozen. Any actions he takes on his next turn will
> not affect Gamestate. In his perceived Gamestate, he is not Frozen. He
> thinks he can do whatever he wants. He takes an action: to move his avatar
> forward one space. He sees his Avatar move forward, but the True Gamestate
> does not Change. BobTHJ is Awake at this point. Hose, who is also Awake but
> did not see BobTHJ get Frozen, sees BobTHJ move forward. Wooble is also
> Awake but did see BobTHJ get Frozen. He does not see BobTHJ move forward.
> LASD and all his Sleeping buddies do not see BobTHJ do anything.
> *Relativity: *All Actions are situated RELATIVE to the Acting Player's own
> Avatar, individually in every Display. i.e. when an Avatar moves to the
> right, any other Display in which this Action is Perceived will have him
> moving to the right (if the Action doesn't fail in that display, see below)
> regardless of where the Avatar is standing to begin with. For some displays
> this might involve the Avatar falling into a hole, for other not, for
> example.
> *Field Objects:*
> - Avatars (one for each Player)
> - Hole (Standing on one sets an Avatar's vertical coordinate down by 4 ---
> this can send you under walls or any other field object)
> - Springboard (Standing on one sets an Avatar's vertical coordinate up by 3
> --- this can send you over walls or any other field object)
> - Wall (No Avatar may enter a square that contains a Wall)
> Besides Avatars, some of these Field Objects will be placed on the Field at
> the start of the game by the Referee. More of some of these may also be
> placed by Players during the course of the Field Match.
> Any Avatars which move off the Board (by moving, being pushed,
> springboarded, holed, leapfrogging, etc.) or whose position cannot be
> determined with certainty are returned to their initial square.
> *Invokable Actions (of Avatars)*:* *Anytime a Player declares he is taking
> an action (at most once per nday (one of ANY action per nday, not one of
> each)), that Action is taken. An Action is considered to be taken
> regardless
> of whether it truly affects gamestate (it wouldn`t if the player's
> sleeping)
> or of whether or not it fails (which it does if one of its conditions is
> not
> fulfilled). The only Global Condition is that a Player must not be Frozen
> (i.e. any Action taken while Frozen fails). The following Actions along
> with
> any OTHER conditions associated are possible:
> - MOVE - Player's Avatar moves to an adjacent square in a specified
> direction.
>     - Conditions: None
> - LEAPFROG - Player's Avatar moves two adjacent squares in a specified
> direction.
>     - Condtions: There is another Avatar situated on an adjacent square in
> the specified direction.
> - CUT THE LINE - Player's Avatar is moved to the top of the Priority List.
>     - Conditions: None.
> - CLEAR - Any Field Object(s) (other than an Avatar) in the adjacent square
> in a specified direction ceases to exist.
>     - Conditions: There is at least one Field Object (other than an Avatar)
> in the adjacent square in the specified direction.
> - DIG - A Hole is formed in an adjacent square in a specified direction.
>     - Conditions: There exist no Field Objects (other than Avatars) in the
> adjacent square in question.
> - BUILD - A Wall is formed in an adjacent square in a specified direction.
>     - Conditions: There exist no Field Objects in the adjacent square in
> question.
> - PUSH - An Avatar in an adjacent square in a specified direction is moved
> 2
> squares in that direction (and is considered to step over the intervening
> square... if the Avatar can move a single square but is somehow (e.g. a
> wall) prevented from moving to the second square, he simply stops after the
> first square)
>     - Condtions: There is an Avatar in the adjacent square in the specified
> direction, and this Avatar would not be prevented by a Field Object (but
> the
> Avatar may be Frozen) from MOVEing to the first adjacent square to himself
> in the specified direction.
> - FREEZE - Any Avatars (other than the Acting Player's) on the same square
> as the Acting Player's or within a 2-square radius in a specified direction
> (always specify a direction... the same-square deal always applies) becomes
> Frozen and the next 2 Actions taken by each Frozen Avatar's Player Fail
> automatically.
>     - Conditions: None
> - DUCK - The Acting Player's Avatar is unaffected by PUSH or FREEZE Actions
> taken by other Players until the Acting Player's next Action is taken.
> - TILT - All Avatars are moved (if possible) one square in a specified
> direction.
>     - Conditions: Acting Player did not take any Action during the previous
> nday.
> - FOCUS - The Private Display for the Acting Player is updated such that
> the
> square containing his Avatar (in Reality, so this also reveals the Avatar's
> location) and all adjacent squares reflect the True Gamestate.
>     - Conditions: Acting Player did not take any Action during the 2
> previous ndays.
> So... I think that provides a good bit of variety in terms of actions. If
> you think any should be switched up or you have some cool new ones to add,
> do say so please!
> If you are up for trying out an open non-secret game like I spoke of above,
> please tell me and I will put your name down. We can change the dimensions
> of the Field depending how many people we have, I guess.
> Finally, does my memory deceive me or is there an old calvinball listserv
> kicking around somewhere that we could use for this in order to avoid
> spamming our regular lists?
> Cheers,
> Billy Pilgrim
spoon-discuss mailing list