Jamie Dallaire on Mon, 4 Feb 2008 19:17:05 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-d] [s-b] B-Chess

On Feb 4, 2008 7:59 PM, Justin Ahmann <quesmarktion@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Some of the Kings ended up adjacent to each other, so I have to repeat the
> distributing process again.  And again.  And again.  In fact, I have to do
> it an infinite number of times.  So we each have an infinite number of Kings
> on each square.

"Effect: If this action has never been invoked before in the current
Field Match a King is created in the possession of each player and
located on a random square of the Field. If any two Kings are
adjacent, this process is repeated until no Kings are adjacent."

Doesn't the second sentence imply that the kings are removed? As in:
the process is repeated,
meaning we act as if the action has never been invoked before in the
current Field Match

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