Roger Hicks on Mon, 28 Jan 2008 22:31:53 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-d] [s-b] Proposal: Contract Law

On Jan 28, 2008 4:52 PM, Jamie Dallaire <bad.leprechaun@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> The way I read them, this proposal and Ivan's contract proposal seem to be
> suggesting quite different entities. Ivan's could potentially resemble an
> alternative to the old factions, in that it can have money and devices and
> be an active entity within the game. BobTHJ's seem to be more like contracts
> that hold people to certain things, i.e. signed for your job or to rent a
> place. social vs legal contract?
> My point is, can we get different names for them so it doesn't get too
> confusing?

Sorry, I had been planning to submit this for several days and I sent
it to the list before I even realized that Ivan had sent a contracts
proposal as well. I don't think both are needed. Either one would
> My other point: BobTHJ, why go through the trouble of detailing
> consultations and oracularities procedures when you could just use the
> criminal system? (I can see one possible difference in that current criminal
> law wouldn't necessarily allow a punishment such as: m100 is transfered from
> Billy Pilgrim to Codae... but that could be handily fixed)
The criminal system simply imposes mack fines, which would doubtfully
truly enforce binding behavior in contracts. Why trust that anyone
will follow their obligations in a contract when they can simply get
out of it by paying a minimal fine? If instead a player is forced to
fulfill their contractual obligations as closely as possible due to
Oracularities remedying breach of contract then contracts suddenly
take on much more meaning.

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