Justin Ahmann on Wed, 23 Jan 2008 02:43:56 +0100 (CET)

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Re: [s-d] [s-b] [MoC] Voting Results for nweek 137

Am I correct in stating that two of the Passed Proposals (293 and 308) did nothing?


----- Original Message ----
From: Mike McGann <mike.mcgann@xxxxxxxxx>
To: B:Business <spoon-business@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2008 8:37:12 PM
Subject: [s-b] [MoC] Voting Results for nweek 137

Full information on the voting results can be found at:


In the proposal breakdowns, the last column, SVADJ, is the Shelve
Adjustment. If Total Strength + Total Shelve Adjustment > 0 then the
proposal is shelved. The Shelve Adjustment is Vote Power * 2 since that is
the difference in Strength between an AGAINST vote and a FOR vote.

Summary is as follows:

** Passed Proposals **

288: pragmatic vacation (Wooble)
289: No small change (Wooble)
290: Oh, and let's get rid of that wacky paradox (Ivan Hope)
291: Distinct Field Match Trophies (Hose)
293: give a title to rule 4E61 (Antonio)
295: Think Locally, Act Globally (Hose)
296: Quiggle (Hose)
297: Let's not be hasty (Ivan Hope)
298: Color Guard of Plaid (Hose)
299: Law & Order: Organizational Intent (Hose)
304: Win By Tomfoolery (Hose)
306: Mulberry Sounds So Calm (Hose)
308: B abhors a vacuum (Murphy)

** Failed Quorum Proposals **

311: Ratify the Ruleset (BobTHJ)

** Failed Proposals **

300: Pisciviciousness (Billy Pilgrim)
301: No Proposalgangering (Billy Pilgrim)
302: Papering Over it (Billy Pilgrim)
305: Win By FomToolery (Wooble)

** Shelved Proposals **

309: B-Chess (BobTHJ)

** Scoring **

          Vote Prop  Net Prev Total
          ==== ==== ==== ==== =====
      0x44  19    0  19  168  187
  Aaron C  18    0  18  79    97
  Antonio  17  12  29    0    29
  A. McGee  15    0  15  142  157
  Billy P.  18  -9    9  403  412
    BobTHJ  16    0  16  271  287
    Codae  19    0  19  144  163
      Hose  18  126  144  217  361
Ivan Hope  17  34  51  73  124
    Murphy  18  14  32  142  174
    Wooble  18  33  51  370  421

** Administrivia **

Players active this nweek: 11
Quorum: >5.5

Antonio gains the Active Property
Dominov loses the Active Property

** Ballot Results **

          288 289 290 291 293 295 296 297 298 299
          === === === === === === === === === ===
      0x44  F  a  a  F  a  F  F  F  F  F
  Aaron C  F  F  F  F  F  F  F  F  F  F
  Antonio  a  F  F  .  F  F  F  F  F  F
  A. McGee  F  F  F  .  a  F  s  F  F  F
  Billy P.  F  F  F  F  .  F  s  F  F  a
    BobTHJ  F  F  F  F  .  F  F  .  F  F
    Codae  F  a  F  F  s  F  F  a  F  F
      Hose  F  F  F  F  F  F  F  a  F  F
Ivan Hope  F  F  F  F  F  F  F  F  F
    f:KwsB  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
    Murphy  F  a  F  F  F  F  a  a  F  F
f:Conglom.  F  F  F  F  F  F  F  F  F  F
    Wooble  F  F  F  F  F  F  F  F  F  F

          300 301 302 304 305 306 308 309 311
          === === === === === === === === ===
      0x44  a  a  a  F  a  F  F  F  a
  Aaron C  a  F  a  F  F  F  F  F
  Antonio  F  F  F  F  F  a  F  s
  A. McGee  a  s  .  a  a  a  F  .
  Billy P.  F  F  s  F  a  a  a  s  a
    BobTHJ  a  a  a  a  F  F  a  F
    Codae  F  a  s  F  F  F  F  s  s
      Hose  a  a  a  F  a  F  a  s
Ivan Hope  a  a      F  F  a  a  a  a
    f:KwsB  .  .  .  F  a  .  .  .  .
    Murphy  a  a  a  a  a  F  F  F
f:Conglom.  .  .  .  .  F  F  .  F
    Wooble  F  F  F  F  F  F  F  F
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