Geoffrey Spear on Tue, 1 Jan 2008 18:00:35 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-d] [s-b] Simplify opposition

Makes it *way* too hard to overturn a bad decision.  Currently you
need > 1/4 of the players (plus 1/4 claiming consistent), under this
you'd need >1/2.

On Jan 1, 2008 7:08 PM, Roger Hicks <pidgepot@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I submit the following proposal titled "Simplify Opposition" with the text:
> {
> Amend rule 18 by replacing the section "Overriding Consultations" with:
> {{
> When a Priest submits an answer to a consultation, within three ndays
> (or ndelays if the clock is off) since its submission, any player
> except the Unbeliever and the Supplicant may, as a Game Action, claim
> the Answer and the Oracularity (if one exists) to be inconsistent. A
> Player may not Claim an answer submitted by a Priest who is currently
> his Twin to be Inconsistent. A player may withdraw a claim of
> inconsistency as a Game Action.
> At the end of the third nday (or ndelay) since the Answer has been
> submitted the Oracle shall tally any such Claims. If there exist an
> equal amount or more Claims of inconsistency than Quorum, the
> consultation ceases to be Answered and becomes Waiting. The Oracle
> shall then immediately assign a new Priest to the Consultation. The
> previous Priest's answer and Oracularity (if any) is discarded.
> }}
> [[NOTE: This eliminates the need to claim consistency. A claim of
> consistency is automatically assumed unless stated otherwise.]]
> }
> BobTHJ
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Geoffrey Spear
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