Geoffrey Spear on Wed, 8 Aug 2007 17:22:49 +0200 (CEST)

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Re: [s-d] [s-b] Proposal: de-Spivakify Ruleset

On 8/8/07, Daniel Lepage <dplepage@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> 1. This isn't proper English either. The proper form is "he or she".

It's accepted use going back to at least the 15th Century, contrary to
what prescriptive grammarians would have us believe.  If it's good
enough for Shakespeare, it's good enough for me.

> 2. You probably want to let the Minister of Law correct surrounding
> words for agreement as well. Otherwise the requirements to become a
> player will read:
>     * They is capable of passing a Membership Test, although they may
> not be required to take said test
>     * They is not currently a Player
>     * They has a working e-mail address

That's a good point, and a reason I probably should have used a
Tidiness List instead of a proposal.  On the other hand, this way had
the advantage of being lazier and more democratic at the same time.

I'll revise it before Ballotday.

Geoffrey Spear
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