Antonio Dolcetta on Tue, 17 Jul 2007 05:20:08 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-d] [s-b] Proposal: Update Proposal Definition

Peter Cooper Jr. wrote:
> I propose:
> __Update Proposal Definition__
> {{
> [[
> Our current definition of a proposal body is "a block of text that
> contains a list of changes to be made to the gamestate." However, it's
> been game custom that such changes can for example be conditional, and
> just generally be instructions for how to change the game rather than a
> list of specific changes. This is an attempt to clarify the definition of
> proposals to match game custom. I'm not sure how good a job it does.
> ]]
> In rule 2-2, change
> {{
> A Body, which is a block of text that contains a list of changes to be
> made to the gamestate
> }}
> to
> {{
> A Body, which is a block of text that contains a list of instructions that
> if followed would result in changes to the state of the game
> }}
> and change
> {{
> When a proposal Passes, its list of changes to the gamestate occur.
> }}
> to
> {{
> When a proposal Passes, its list of instructions is followed to make the
> resulting changes to the game occur.
> }}
> }}

I can't say I like this very much, it makes it too similar to programming.
I dont think the current definition needs improvement either, it's 
general in scope, and can easily include whatever we throw at it.
"a list of instructions" might force to use a special form, like how the 
CFJs set in question form generated endless problems and in afterthought 
were a bad idea

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