bd_ on Thu, 21 Jun 2007 20:18:27 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-d] [s-b] consultation 17

On Thu, Jun 21, 2007 at 04:25:17PM -0700, Antonio wrote:
> if this message is duplicated please ignore it
> I submit the following consultation:
> {
> Supposing there are two
> Players, say A and B, where A is a single human being and B is a group
> of human beings that contains A, then if A and B vote for the same
> proposal only the most recent vote is counted. True or false ?
> }
> Reasoning:
> {
> B nomic has traditionally enforced the idea "one man, one vote"
> If
> a Primo style corporation were allowed to become a player any entity
> who is a player by itself and is also part of the corporation would
> have a number of votes >1  
> Bear with me here:
> rule 2-2 states:
> - Any Player may submit a Vote on an Open proposal at any time. ...
> - The most recent Vote on a proposal by a Player is called that  
> - player's Final Vote on that proposal
> the intent clearly being to allow only one vote from each player. 
> by Rule 1-4
> - A Player is an Outsider
> and by Rule 1-3
> - An Outsider is an External Force
> So going back to the consultation's example Player A who is part of B is actually resubmitting his Final vote through B.
> }

I disagree with this reasoning.

If B submits its vote, and this submission is facilitated by C, and B's
charter does not allow A a voice in this vote, clearly A is not
submitting their vote. Further, per Rule 1-3, "An External Force is
anything which exists independently of the game. That is, it would still
exist if the game stopped existing, and would still exist if the game
had never started existing." Primo Corporation, for one, easily meets
this definition, as it is based in agoran law.

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