comex on Mon, 27 Nov 2006 14:00:12 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-d] (proposal) Re: Joining.

> That would be a better solution, I think.  Less "fun", but less confusing.

Confusing is good. :<  For example, I submit the following proposal:
__Infinite search space__

If a proposal titled "Finite search space" passed, revert its change to rule 

Append the following to rule 1-4:
For the purposes of identifying players, and determining uniqueness of
names, the following conventions are to be used:
* Uppercase letters are to be considered equivalent to their lowercase
counterparts, and vice-versa.
* Spaces and double quote characters (") are to be considered equivalent to 

Should any player names remain which are illegal or non-unique
according to rule 1-4, the Administrator shall change them to new,
unique, legal names, as determined by the guidelines in rule 1-4.

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