Antonio Dolcetta on Fri, 13 Jan 2006 05:55:40 -0600 (CST)

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Re: [s-d] Re: [auto] Triller amends p338

Mark Walsh wrote:
On: 1/12/06 5:05:03 PM Peter sent:
Subject: [s-d] Re: [auto] Triller amends p338

Triller has amended p338.:
Motion 338/1: Annulled Motions Permit Legislating Interests To Undo
Decided Extraneousness.

I like that acronym.

[[ This in anticipation of a Proposal removing Proposal ]]
Not sure what you mean by anticipation to me... It looks to me like
this prop already allows one to change Pending Props to be Annulled.

This does nothing to recreate a used pen. That's what I think
Antonio wanted to do when e 'Recalled' eir motion.
Someone will have to propose that changing a proosal type to
annulled destroys that pen and creates a new pen.
This just creates a mechanism for voiding a submitted motion.

Nah, I simply wanted to get rid of it.
But the pen recovering thing is Peter's idea, so I'll let him propose it.
I'll go with something else.


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