flutesultan on Sat, 8 Oct 2005 16:24:46 -0500 (CDT)

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RE: [s-d] RE: [s-b] [auto] Wonko submits p259

> Wonko,
> You might want to specify the location of souls that
> become lost in this manner. Are they 'dropped' and 
> remain in whatever room the player was in when e ceased
> to be a player? Do they return to the Gallery?
> And what of other carryable objects? Are they destroyed,
> or dropped in that room, and so able to be picked up by
> remaining players?

While drafting a prop I carefully read 10-3.
Looks like it covers my concerns with the above.
(Of course, you knew that).
I really should read the changed rules from time
to time, instead of just printing them and updating
my binder.


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