flutesultan on Thu, 15 Sep 2005 21:24:18 -0500 (CDT)

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Re: [s-d] I think there's still a script issue.

> That hasn't happened to me... Can you send me the error?
> -- 
> Wonko

Ok. I just posted a new prop and amended an old one,
and everything seems to be flying. I'm getting good
bounces, and the Wiki is being updated properly.
I'm now 2 over my prop limit as lobbyist, but I'm
not going to concern myself with that as long as 
things are back to as normal as they can be. I'm 
still curoius about the errors I received (numerous
times, and from two different locations), but if
it's an anomaly, I know from long experience as
an electrician that the intermittent fault is the
hardest to trace. If everyone else is for it, let's
get on with the game.


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