flutesultan on Tue, 13 Sep 2005 22:38:25 -0500 (CDT)

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[s-d] I think there's still a script issue.

There's still an issue with the proposal script.
Proposals/amendments are not being bounced
to the Fora. I've amended one numerous times
and have yet to receive a bounce on it. It's getting
to the database OK, and shows up in the Wiki,
but business bounces are not occurring, and an
Error Message is generated at (what I assume)
is the time of bouncing/posting. Again, I have
a copy of the error message, but since the clock is 
stopped, and there has been little activity, try
posting a Proposal and I think you'll see what
I mean. I've done this from two different computers,
and I'm fairly certain there are no odd non-ascii
characters in the mix.


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