Peter Cooper Jr. on Thu, 18 Aug 2005 06:29:16 -0500 (CDT)

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[s-d] Re: quitting

eugman@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> Do we have enough manpower to support nomic right now?
> Triller seems to have his hands full with gc.
> I couldn't take on another ministry if I tried.
> It wouldn't surprise me if wonko is up to his neck in work as well.
> Do we have enough willing and active people to hold the ministries?

I think so... The minister of Grammar isn't critical, and I can take it on
if nobody else wants it (and if we think we still need it with the
Executive Tidiness rule). I can handle the Change and Law mostly, although
I appreciate Wonko stepping in when I might be delayed by a day. As long
as everyone's still willing to do what they're currently signed up for, I
think we're okay.

Peter C.

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