Daniel Peter Lepage on Wed, 20 Jul 2005 11:28:02 -0500 (CDT)

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Re: [s-d] Wonko amended 175

> Is there way to drop items? There only seems to be a way to pick them up.
> After I get a chance to change my props a bit, you can drag someone to the
> dynamic room if you can get them to fall asleep.

It's in the "Household Objects" rule:
Any player may drop a Household Object e holds in the room e is in at any

Incidentally, the Baron suggested something to me a while ago that e never
got around to proposing. E always liked the idea of letting a player make
up new rules the way the dungeon master of an RPG can come up with new
objects and monsters on the fly, and although giving somebody absolute
power of that kind would be awfully dangerous, e did suggest a safer yet
still interesting limited form of it. In many RPGs, players roll dice to
determine whether or not they succeed at various tasks, or to what extent
they succeed. One idea that crops up in more modern RPGs is that of a
Catastrophic Failure (or a fantastic success). The idea is that if your
die roll is absurdly good or absurdly bad, additional good or bad effects
happen at the dungeon master's discretion.

For example, if you need to roll 3d6 and get above a 10 to successfully
hit an Orc with your Sword, and you roll three sixes, the dungeon master
might declare that not only did you hit the Orc, but it then tripped
backwards over a rusty nail and fell over backwards into the snake pit,
where its fall should have been broken by the poisonous snakes but somehow
it missed and landed on a pile of old rusty spearheads instead before
being eaten by the asps. Conversely, if you rolled three ones, you would
fail spectacularly, perhaps by missing, falling over, dropping your sword
into your foot, and having your helmet stolen by a passing buzzard.

Anyway, the Baron's suggestion was that we add something like that to the
game, and I think the House would be a logical place to do so. So you
might be able to Steal from a sleeping player by rolling some function of
your Skill and Alertness; on an extreme roll, the Minister of the House
would get to decide what happens to you, perhaps with the restrictions
that it shouldn't directly effect uninvolved players or objects. Things
that e might choose could be that on a really good roll you also
"accidentally" swiped some Genechips, Amplitude, and/or Souls; on a really
bad roll you might trip over them, wake them up, and in the confusion drop
some of your own objects into their possession, or fall down the stairs
and break some of your items. Etc.



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