Raelus on Wed, 18 May 2005 15:53:20 -0500 (CDT)

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Re: [s-d] Re: [s-b] [souls] SP Burnination

eugman@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:


The following players receive SP Burns:
ANPU loses 200 SP and 100 A
bd loses 200 SP and 100 A
Eugene loses 500 SP and 250 A
Glotmorf loses 200 SP and 100 A
Iain loses 200 SP and 100 A
Jimmy loses 200 SP and 31 A
Personman loses 200 SP and 100 A
Rob loses 200 SP and 100 A
theta loses 200 SP and 100 A
Tim loses 200 SP and 100 A
Zarpint loses 200 SP and 100 A

I have to wait til amplitude is updated before I can determine if SN takes burn...
The Spirituality Displays are up to date.
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