eugman on Sat, 30 Apr 2005 11:25:21 -0500 (CDT)

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[s-d] Re: [s-b] [auto] EugeneMeidinger amends p33

Hmm I may have made a mistake. Should we have the minister of cities or the minister of change take care of the rulebook? It is fine if the ministers of cities does it which the proposal make me be however wonko claimed there really wasn't a way I could get getting the rullebook from proposal so wiki because he needs to finish some scrpits. Maybe the minister of change should change the rules instead of city minister?

Of course I could always maintain the rule book by hand.....

Also I'm wondering if I should make owning gardens and farms be possible or let the past stay that way.

Also if someone were to want a city that it's rectangular you could make a rectangular one and just reserve the spaces you don't want to be used.

I'm also trying to think of other zoning type if we should have any. Rural and urban make sense. I put in sea just so people might get some crazy ideas.

I'm also considering adding a clause that if the party proposal passes we could have an election for a mayor who just gets the advantages of controling city hall whatever those may be.

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