Daniel Lepage on Sat, 16 Apr 2005 10:35:36 -0500 (CDT)

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Re: [s-d] Re: Voting for nweek 85 is open

Whoops. That's fixed now.


On Apr 16, 2005, at 7.40 AM, Peter Cooper Jr. wrote:

joel Ricker <jmricker@xxxxxxxxx> writes:
On 4/15/05, Peter Cooper Jr. <pete+bnomic@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
It's now the 4th nday of the nweek, so my 4 Pending Proposals have
become Open. Voting is open through the end of nday 6.

I get a message that says that voting is only allowed on ndays 8, 9, and 10.

Heh... I see the voting system in Admin mode, so I didn't get that. I
guess that Wonko's still got a couple changes to make to it, although
if p2 passes I guess he might not need to.

In the meantime, it's perfectly legal to just specify your votes in a
Public Forum.

Peter C.
"Are you the person shooting at me?"
"I don't know, are you the person I'm shooting at?"
		-- Jessi & I, playing Quake

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