Daniel Lepage on Sat, 26 Mar 2005 12:27:11 -0600 (CST)

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Re: [s-d] Re: Recognizer

On Mar 26, 2005, at 12.16 PM, Peter Cooper Jr. wrote:

Daniel Lepage <dpl33@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
Peter plays Cry Havoc, discarding four Cards of DOOM!
Peter discards:
Wonko's Red Shirt, Zarpint's 3 Card of DOOM!, bd's 2 Card of DOOM!,
and DQT's Red Shirt.

Do you agree I get 90 points from this? The card is somewhat ambiguous
whether I get 10 points from discarding other people's Card of DOOM!,
but it looks to me like I would.

Yes, you're right. That wasn't my intent in writing the card, but that is what it says.

Daniel Lepage <dpl33@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
E cannot draw again, as e already got a bonus draw at the beginning of
nweek from eir Drawing tech.

I have Drawing 1 and Drawing 2. So, I should get 1 draw per week from
Drawing 1 and 2 more draws per week from Drawing 2.

Hmm. Ok, then.


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  -- Computer analyst to programmer

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