Daniel Lepage on Fri, 25 Mar 2005 01:59:17 -0600 (CST)

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Re: [s-d] Re: [s-b] Random Trap Redistribution.

On Mar 24, 2005, at 9.38 AM, Martin R Crowther wrote:

Dice rolls requested by: Daniel Lepage <dpl33@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Rolls sent to:

# The first number identifies which of the 5 traps I'm moving
# via f(x,y,z) = (x+10y+100z), and then ordering them by that).
# The first row after the first that contains no 5s and identifies an
# cube will be where it moves to.

Eep! Sorry. See what you mean about dice rolls. :-\

I was just thinking give each trap a number, roll 1-5 and then roll for a free cube. Which would be easier?

That's basically what I did; I used the function above as an easy(?) way of numbering the traps, and then rolled for a cube a dozen times in the hopes that one of them would be free.

If I had a little bit more time, I'd write a new Dice Roller to make that easier. It would take a normal message filled with little tags like {[int:1-10,12,15]} and {[choice:Fire,Water, Earth, Bomb, Yoyo]} and would process each one accordingly, so that the firs would be replaced with a random integer from the set of all integers between 1 and 10 inclusive, plus 12 and 15, and the second would choose a random Gnome type. That sort of thing.

Barring that, I'd just like a Dice Roller that can handle comment lines with more than 80 characters and can roll more than one type of die in the same message.


"In fact, I wanted to be John Cleese and it took some time to realise the job was in fact taken."
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