Iain Scott on Tue, 1 Mar 2005 17:26:26 -0600 (CST)

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Re: [s-d] Re: [s-b] Smiting and Oblivion

> Congratulations to Iain who is now the Old Man of B Nomic.
> I give em a point.

Hmm... Arguably I already was (Rob was garbage collected and then came
back again...) but Ill take your point anyway ;)

What frightens me is that, despite the fact I havent done all that
much actual _playing_ of the game (not paying that much attention most
of the time, and long periods of inactivity - remember the almost a
year long hiatus where I didnt post anything but my activity was kept
up by my being forced to take game actions automatically by a
society?), is that I (and Glotmorf and Wonko who have became players
mere days after Rob and I) have been playing B-nomic for over 3 years

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