Daniel Lepage on Thu, 10 Feb 2005 01:13:00 -0600 (CST)

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Re: [s-d] Re: [s-b] [auto] Wonko submits p2006

On Feb 9, 2005, at 6.22 PM, Jake Eakle wrote:

Partially fused seems kinda like a 'reset all other players' stats' button. Assuming your stats do reset when your avatar dies. Which i think they do.
*Goes and checks* OKay, they will be soon. So yeah, this card basically
periodically nukes everyone's stats. there is no reason you shouldn't be able to kill everyone else in an nweek, especially if you played it with AvSpeed > 1. So I say maybe you choose one stat to Billionize. Or something.

The card was designed with the current system in mind, where destroying an Avatar doesn't reset the stats; IMHO that's a much, much better way of doing things. Given that, Partially Fused with Infinity just means you can make some points and beat your way out of a sticky situation (after which the other players probably won't reincarnate until it wears off).

BTW, 10 points to whoever can tell me first what that card's a reference to. Ditto for Near-Precision Wipeout Team.

Also, in Will to Live, is it 3 or 2? I'm assuming 2, since it's like that
for the others...

It's three because I expect that to be a generally rarer occurrence, especially given things like Advancement Tokens that could destroy large numbers of Avatars at once. It's also an increase in AvStrength, which is generally less useful than the others. The 2 appearing later in the text of the same card is a typo, which I'll rectify if the card is created.


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