Daniel Lepage on Mon, 7 Feb 2005 21:54:23 -0600 (CST)

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[s-d] Re: [s-b] [auto] Zarpint submits p2002

On Feb 5, 2005, at 1.22 PM, automailer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

Zarpint has submitted a new proposal, p2002.

Proposal 2002/0: Arena Clarifications
A Standard Proposal by Zarpint
Last modified on nweek 79, nday 3

[[ Now that I've seen the Arena rule in action, I think it needs a couple clarifications.

First of all, when a Player gets to increase eir attributes, we need to know when the attribute actually increases. Right now, if a Player doesn't specify the attribute, the Arena is held up until e does, because I can't roll for attack rolls on that Player without knowing eir vital stats.]]

I read the current rule as saying that after player A destroys player B, player A can increase any stat at any time just by saying so; it happens when e posts to the forum. If B jumps back in and destroys A, then it doesn't matter if A planned to up eir Strength, 'cause e didn't up it until too late.

In r1912, change the last paragraph from:
If a Player's Avatar Fires a Jet that Hits a Cube where there is a different Avatar, and that Avatar Gets Destroyed, then the Player whose Avatar Fired a Jet may increase at most one of eir four attributes AvSpeed, AvPower, AvStrength, and AvSkill by 1.

I think that supports my interpretation; the fact that the player "may" do it means that it's a Game Action, and as such happens as soon as the player takes it. The only downside I see to this phrasing is that there's no expiration date: I could wait a few nyears, and then claim the point for the Avatar I destroyed earlier this nweek.

Upgrading is an Action performed by a Player. It consists of increasing exactly one of the following attributes by 1: AvSpeed, AvPower, AvStrength, or AvSkill. A Player may only announce that e is Upgrading during a Checking Period when eir Avatar Fires a Jet that Hits a Cube where there is a different Avatar, and that Avatar Gets Destroyed. Upgrading takes place only at the Checkpoint immediately after such a Firing. A Player may only Upgrade once each Checking Period.

This seems too complex, prevents people from upgrading quickly, and is too restrictive - if A destroys 10 people in one turn, then I think e deserves more than just one AvSkill for it.

[[ Next, the wording about "initial attributes" is ambiguous: do they reset for a new Avatar? I'm going to go with game precedent here.]]

They don't reset for a new Avatar because they're Avatar independent - it's a property of the Player, not of the Avatar. I don't think we have a game precedent for this yet, but I think the rules are clear enough that we need not rely on precedent for interpretation.

In r1912, change the third and fourth paragraphs from:

Any Player may create an Avatar which represents em in a Cube on the boundary of the Arena (that is, a Cube with at least one component of its triple equal to either 1 or 4), provided that there is no Avatar already representing em.

There exist the following Attributes for each Player: AvSpeed, AvPower, AvStrength, and AvSkill. Each of these are initially 1. They must always have values that are positive integers.

to the single paragraph:

Any Player may create an Avatar which represents em in a Cube on the boundary of the Arena (that is, a Cube with at least one component of its triple equal to either 1 or 4), provided that there is no Avatar already representing em. There exist the following Attributes for each Player: AvSpeed, AvPower, AvStrength, and AvSkill. When a Player creates an Avatar, each of these attributes is reset to 1. These attributes must always have values that are positive integers.

I greatly prefer the current system, where you don't lose everything when your Avatar dies. Otherwise either nobody will ever get higher than level 4 or so, or one person will shoot ahead of everyone else and become nearly invulnerable - as long as e kills new Avatars as soon as they're made, nobody will ever get the chance to match em.


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