Daniel Lepage on Sat, 18 Dec 2004 20:51:11 -0600 (CST)

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Re: [s-d] Re: [s-b] [auto] Wonko submits p1968

On Dec 18, 2004, at 5.06 PM, Jeremy Cook wrote:

__Roll out__

Image: A man in a jail cell rolling dice on the floor. A number of jailers stand nearby placing bets. Body: You may play this card even if you're In Jail. Roll 2d6. If the two die rolls are different, you lose 100~ or all your ~, whichever is less. Regardless of whether you rolled doubles or had to pay, you cease to be In Jail and no longer have any Jail Time.
This isn't right!
You only get out of jail if you roll doubles, and you have to pay
the $50 fee after three attempts.

Yes, and you can't do anything else for three turns, and your piece sits on a special square of the board... but this isn't Monopoly, and we don't regularly roll dice. And although you have better odds in Monopoly, what with getting three attempts before you have to pay out, you also don't have to play this card at all - you actually have the option of waiting it out, which isn't in Monopoly

I do agree with you about the 200~, though.


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