Bryan Donlan on Wed, 8 Dec 2004 14:19:53 -0600 (CST)

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[s-d] Re: [s-b] [auto] ?Rodney amends p1958

On Wed,  8 Dec 2004 17:21:59 +0000 (GMT), automailer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
<automailer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> ?Rodney has amended p1958.
> ---------------------------------
> Proposal 1958/2: You can't do that,I'm Mel Gibson!
> A Standard Proposal by ?Rodney
> Last modified on nweek 74, nday 1
> Add the following text to r625 between subsection D.13 and subsection
> E
> {{
> D.14 The Ministry of the Starfish
> The Ministry of the Starfish is a Ministry.Its Minister may be
> referred to as Mel Gibson.Mel Gibson is responsible for maintaining a
> Public Display saying that e is Mel Gibson.No Player may take an Game
> Action that would affect Mel Gibson unless it affects all Players or
> it would cause Mel Gibson to cease to be Mel Gibson.An action affects
> a player if it directly modifies one or more attributes of that player

Why not just say "No Player may take a Game Action that would directly
modify the attributes of only Mel Gibson"?

Also, I'd appreciate it if you'd put a space after periods, it's been
annoying me somewhat :|
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