Daniel Lepage on Wed, 1 Dec 2004 22:36:54 -0600 (CST)

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[s-d] Re: [s-b] Tomato recognizer

On Dec 1, 2004, at 10.33 PM, Bryan Donlan wrote:

On Wed, 1 Dec 2004 20:25:43 -0500, Phil Ulrich <phil@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Brand new week - new vine.
I water my vine for free.
Five syllable line.

Recognized and
wikified now. Next also is
five syllable line.

But now it takes cash. Five tildex, to be precise. My prop just fixed this.

I have no free time. Thus, this nweek's rules are late. But they do exist.

Unless anyone wants to step in and update the rules to reflect this nweek's rule changes, the ruleset will be out of date for a few more days - four and a half large, time consuming projects/prelims need to be completed by next monday.

We apologize   for any inconvenience   this may be causing.


It is disconcerting to reflect on the number of students we have flunked in chemistry for not knowing what we later found to be untrue.

  --quoted in Robert L. Weber, Science With a Smile (1992)

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