Jake Eakle on Wed, 6 Oct 2004 16:46:18 -0500 (CDT)

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Re: [s-d] Re: [s-b] [auto] PlayerPersonman submits p1915/0

wow, i totally misread that when i read the rescinding prop. However, the
following is quuoted from the email that the wizard of Yendor recieved upon
joining, and which I also was referred to:

>You have 10 bandwidth, and can submit proposals at a cost of 2BW per

so... unless Wonko was lying, i should still have 4BW left.


On 10/6/04 2:26 PM, "Bryan Donlan" <bdonlan@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> On Wed, 06 Oct 2004 14:20:14 -0700, Jake Eakle
> <jseakle@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Even if i did only have four, which ima go check on in a sec, i've only
>> propped two things this nweek (as i rescinded my silly void limerick thing)
>> So I should be good.
> r1440 says you don't get your bandwith back when you Rescind a prop:
> {{
> If all of those conditions are met, the proposal is Rescinded. After
> this, the proposal is treated as if it didn't exist except for:
>     * Bandwidth calculations
>     * Historical documentation
> }}

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