Glotmorf on Sat, 19 Jun 2004 22:19:05 -0500 (CDT)

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[spoon-discuss] Metasystem

Okay, here's a proto-version.  Mind you, this isn't a
complete ruleset unless someone is seriously committed
to the blank-page approach.  Instead, this is meant to
be (a) modular and (b) weenie-resistant.

By "modular" I mean it's meant to be dropped into a
game, or have a game wrapped around it, or even sit on
a globally-accessible source and have games reference
it.  It's possibly even re-entrant: if C Nomic starts
having subgames, they can declare themselves to be
Metasystem games also.

By "weenie-resistant," I mean I left a lot of things
open enough to fit individuals' ideas about how things
should be done...and therefore hopefully prevented
genre-weenies or platform-weenies from obstructing the
basic concepts.  For example, the rule labelled
"Homepage" specifically does not contain a single
reference to the word "web"; for all I care, it can be
implemented as a Listserv info file, an
automatically-posted Usenet FAQ, a WAP site for Palm
Pilots or even a news popup in a custom client from a
box set ("C NOMIC: the MMORPG!  IN STORES NOW!").

BTW...I know the propsosal and vote system is a bit
simplistic, but remember: it won't be in effect until
it gets implemented, so simplistic is good.  You want
something more complex?  You can code it. :)

Questions?  Comments?  Obscene gestures?  Vulgar

-- Glotmorf

1. The Metasystem

This body of rules, called The Metasystem, states
definitions, procedures and restrictions 

that apply to all aspects of the game, called herein
The Game, that contains or refers to 

The Metasystem in its ruleset.  These rules take
precedence over other rules in The Game.

2. The Server

Employing The Metasystem presupposes the existence of
an internet-accessible server, called 

The Server, that players in The Game can use to view
Game-related information and make 

Game-related actions.  If such functionality is
distributed across multiple servers, they 

are known collectively as The Server, as long as all
servers so employed are 

internet-accessible and known to the players.

3. The Homepage

A Game that employs The Metagame must have an
internet-accessible source of basic game 

information maintained on The Server, called The
Homepage.  The Homepage must contain, or 

contain means to access, the rules of The Game and
mechanisms for non-players to interact 

with The Game.

4. Automation

All Game-related information specified in The
Metasystem must be trackable and maintainable 

via The Server; any such information specified as
accessible to all players must be 

accessible via The Server.  All Game-related actions
specified in The Metasystem must be 

performable via The Server.  Metasystem rules that
specify information not accessible via 

The Server or actions not performable via The Server
are inactive and have no effect until 

said inaccessibility or unperformability has been

5. Maintenance

The Homepage, The Server, mechanisms for production
and accessibility of Game-related 

information via The Server, and mechanisms for
enabling Game-related actions via The Server 

are considered Metasystem aspects of The Game.  Each
Metasystem aspect of The Game must be 

maintainable by at least one player, or by an outside
party designated in the rules of The 

Game.  Rules that specify aspects other than The
Server and The Homepage that cannot be so 

maintained are considered inactive and have no effect;
if The Server or The Homepage cannot 

be so maintained, The Metasystem is inactive and has
no effect on The Game.

6. Rule Numbers

Metasystem rules must be identifiable by means of
unique rule numbers.  Metasystem rules' 

rule numbers cannot be changed to be identical to
other existing Metasystem rules' rule 

numbers.  New Metasystem rules cannot be implemented
with rule numbers identical to existing 

Metasystem rules' rule numbers.

7. Information

Game-related information considered Metasystem asoects
are: names of and means to contact 

players, components of The Server, Metasystem rules
and Game rules.  Other information can 

be specified by Game rules as being Metasystem

8. Actions

Game-related actions considered Metasystem aspects
are: designating components of The 

Server, proposing changes to Metasystem rules, voting
on proposed changes, implementing 

proposed changes, adding new players and leaving The
Game.  Other actions can be specified 

by Game rules as being Metasystem actions.

9. Proposals

A player can propose a change to the Metasystem
ruleset by either providing a new rule to add to the
Metasystem ruleset or specifying an existing
Metasystem rule to be replaced in its entirety with
new text.  A proposal is submitted via The Server, and
all players must be notified of it before any players
can vote on it.

Once a proposal has been submitted, it is determined
whether or not to implement it by a majority of For
votes cast by players.  Players may cast either For or
Against votes.  The votes are counted when either (a)
all players have voted at least once or (b) a week
(seven contiguous twenty-four-hour periods) has
passed.  Whichever occurs first, the most recent votes
of all players are tallied.

If a proposal is implemented, its text is either added
as a new rule or replaces an existing rule.

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