Glotmorf on Sun, 30 May 2004 22:49:26 -0500 (CDT)

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[spoon-discuss] Re: [Spoon-business] Voting Tokens

On 30 May 2004 at 21:15, Craig wrote:

> I propose the following on a mailing list that actually exists:
> {{
> Create a rule, entitled __Voting Tokens__ with the following text:
>  {{
> There exist a finite number of Voting Tokens. Each Voting Token has
> associated with it a Value. If a player is in posession of a Voting
> Token, any other player may give em a number of Tildex greater than
> the Value of that Voting Token and immediately acquire it. The amount
> of Tildex spent becomes the new Value of the Voting Token. Each Voting
> Token also has a unique Serial Number.
> Whenever a new player joins the game of B Nomic, e gains a Voting
> Token with a Value of 0 and a Serial Number higher than the
> then-highest Voting Token Serial Number by 1.
>  }}
> Create one voting token with a value of zero in the posession of each
> player, each with a Value of 2 and a Serial Number equal to one more
> than the number of players whose names come alphabetically before the
> player receiving the Voting Token. [[So the first player in the
> alphabet gets Voting Token 1, the second gets Voting Token 2, et
> cetera]]. For the purposes of this action, all numbers come before the
> letter A. Modify rule 256 [[Gremlins]] by adding the following text to
> the end of it:
>  {{
> B.5. The Voting Gremlin, a.k.a. Diebold
> There exists a Gremlin known as the Voting Gremlin. If at any time the
> Voting Gremlin has been in Hiding for at least two ndays, it becomes
> Active.
> Every time players vote on a Ballot, the Voting Token whose Serial
> Number is equal to the Nth Gremlin Number, where N is equal to the
> number of Voting Tokens in existence, is chosen. This Voting Token is
> the Irregular Voting Token until voting closes on that ballot.
>  }}
> Create a rule, entitled __Vote Nullification__ with the following
> text:
>  {{
> For each ballot item on which the posessor of the Irregular Voting
> Token votes Yes or No, the number of votes of the polar opposite of
> eir vote is considered as one less than the true value. [[So if the
> posessor of the IVT votes YES and there were three NO votes, it is
> counted as only two NO votes. Yes, this may mean that the number of
> votes in one direction is below zero.]] }}

Nicely evil.  Though I must ask...what happens when we run out 
of tildex and no one new joins for a bit?


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