bd on Wed, 5 May 2004 18:15:41 -0500 (CDT)

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Re: [spoon-discuss] hard drive failures...

On Tuesday 04 May 2004 05:36 pm, Bill Adlam wrote:
> Let's see, I think we'll need seven ministries to handle the admin's
> principal duties.  A Cop to monitor the traffic on spoon-business, and
> check players' (and societies') actions are legal.  An Animator to
> announce things that happen automatically.  An Electioneer to publish
> ballots etc., and to count the votes.  An Absolute Ruler to maintain
> the ruleset.  A Rostermonger to track the properties of players and
> other game objects.  Randy the dice roller.  And a Sage, Rosemary, to
> keep the time.  There may be better titles waiting out there for some
> of these individuals.

The Cop's job could be handled by the individual ministers - they know their 
own domain best after all. And the Animator can also (in most cases) be 
handled by other ministers. There's also a script to fill Randy's position, 
it was used in thermodynomic IIRC.

The need for a Sage could be eliminated by not stopping the clock, and saving 
the time as a delta from UTC. However, this would mean eliminating fixed 
deadlines for the most part - how about a minister must recognize an action 
within 3 ndays, and proposals enter voting x ndays after being proposed, 
independent of other proposals?

> The Absolute Ruler, Sage and Rostermonger would need to be able to
> operate on some of the internals of B Nomic.  The others wouldn't, but
> most of them would need to submit reports at the end of each checking
> period before Rosemary can restart the clock.
> Some things need to be done in order (e.g. a player plays a Grab Bag,
> the Traffic Cop validates the action, other players put down cards, the
> clock stops, the Animator announces that some players automatically
> draw/put down cards, Randy posts any random draws, and shows which
> players end up with which cards, and Rosemary restarts the clock).
> Procedures like this can be made faster if one player holds multiple
> ministries.

* A player plays a Grab Bag
* The Card Minister (none exists yet, but should) validates the action, 
announces the card draws via the random server, and announces the results 
officially afterward.

This wouldn't tie up any other parts of the game. If points need to be 
incremented or other actions affecting other than cards, the card minister 
need only indicate them in eir report, which the other ministers would be 
expected to read.

Also, a seperate mailing list for ministers wouldn't be a bad idea, and 
perhaps another for the automatic dice roller (the ministers would need to 
restate the information in their reports - the roller's CC to the list would 
be used for validation)
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