Craig on Thu, 8 Apr 2004 23:23:55 -0500 (CDT)

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RE: [spoon-discuss] Re: [Spoon-business] The Checkpointly Recognizer

>> {{
>> Award a Win to all members of the society UNSEEN simultaneously.
>> Give all members of the society UNSEEN the Title "Unseen Knight of the
>> Platonism Scam".
>> Give the Player known as Teucer the Title "Unseen Lord of the
>> Platonism Scam".
>> [[I am satisfied with Sagitta's fix.]]
>> }}

>Who's in UNSEEN? The Roster just says "Membership tracked by Teucer"...

The Voice
Zarpint the Incomplete
The Pusher Robot (who has refrained from joining the UNSEEN mailing list for
reasons unknown)

There's also one individual who got subscribed to our list by accident and
has been grandfathered in but is not an official member at this time.

 - Teucer


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