Zarpint Jeremy Cook on 27 Jan 2004 18:37:57 -0000

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[spoon-discuss] RE: [Spoon-business] CFI 1748

Contrary to unsupported claims by Hofstadter, "mu" actually means "no", or "without".
In the Joshu koan, Joshu answers the question, "Does a Dog have Buddha-nature" with
the answer "No."

Thus this judgement should be rectified to "NO."


On Tue, 27 Jan 2004, Craig wrote:

> Having considered the CFI in question, I find that the ambiguity of the
> "difference" in score means that there are two possible values. It is
> obvious that the Speed Limit prevents the score in question from being zero
> if a common-sense definition of "difference" is used, but this definition
> does not indicate whether the plaintiff's score was set to 42 or 542. Since
> this is the common-sense answer, it would suggest that the score was 42. A
> strict mathematical interpretation could be used to alleviate the ambiguity.
> The difference between x and y should be interpreted as equalling x minus y,
> meaning that the difference was never greater than 250. It was, instead,
> less than -250. This would leave the plaintiff's score at zero.
> Since the rules do not define "difference", I smear the scoring difference
> on which we are being asked to rule. Furthermore, because this lack of
> definition means that we don't know whether the score was reset to zero or
> only to 42, my judgement on CFI 1748 is: MU.
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Zarpint            "All thy toiling only breeds new dreams, new dreams;
Jeremy Cook         there is no truth saving in thine own heart."
mcfoufou@xxxxxxxxx       --W.B. Yeats, The Song of the Happy Shepherd
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