Daniel Lepage on 22 Dec 2003 19:58:53 -0000 |
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Re: [spoon-discuss] Re: Warning: message 1AYCRg-00074C-00 delayed 4 hours |
Therefore, the emergency is Over. Refresh Prop #1, __Cleaning Up, v2.0__, has been selected, and should now be implemented. It reads as follows:
{{ Amend r1282 to read: {{ __Seniority__There exist five groups of players called Age Groups. No player may ever be in more than one age group.
All players who have been playing for less than two nweeks are in the Newbie age group. Such players are called Newbies.
All players who have been playing for more than two nweeks but less than six months are in the Experienced age group. Such players have no special description for their age group.
All players who have been playing for between six months and one year are in the Veteran age group. Such players are called Veterans.
When a player becomes a Veteran, e receives one point of Respect.All players who have been playing for between one year and two years are in the Oligarch age group. Such players may be referred to as Oligarchs. They may also be referred to by whichever of the following titles matches their gender:
Male: Patriarch Female: Matriarch Drone: Neutriarch Undeclared: Waffliarch When a player becomes an Oligarch, e receives three points of Respect.All players who have been playing for more than two years are in the Elder age group. Such players may be referred to as Ancients. They may also be referred to by the title matching their genders as described in the above section, with "Elder" prepended to the title. When a player becomes an Ancient, e receives five points of Respect, and the number of Wins in eir possession increases by one. However, this does not cause any events triggered by the awarding of a Win to occur. This supersedes any and all rules which govern the events triggered by a Win.
If a player quits the game and rejoins, e is considered a new player for the purposes of this rule; that is, e will begin over as a Newbie.
The player who has been in the game for the longest time holds the title "Revered Elder."
}}[[This addresses all previously mentioned problems with this rule, I believe, and clarifies the behavior of the age classes.]]
Suppress all Wins and points of Respect that would be given to any player or players immediately upon the passage of this rule, except those given to players in a different Age Group than the one they would have been in had this rule existed prior to December 5th of this year. [[One could argue that somebody who was a Veteran before was nonetheless not in the Veteran Age Group, and thus that as soon as this rule takes effect, such players should receive the Veteran bonus a second time; this suppresses that.]]
Repeal the rule entitled __No Win For You__, if one exists. Give all BNS to the bank, then transfer 2000 BNS to each player.[[ I don't see why anyone should bother recounting our BNS totals; even if we knew how much we had, I'd still want to level things before developing any use for it. ]]
Add to the end of r0 the text: {{If, during an emergency, a majority of the most recently recognized body of players recognizes that there is no longer an emergency, the Procedure immediately ends, if it is currently happening, and the Emergency ends with no change to the state of the game.
}} Replace the text of the rule entitled __An Upstanding Citizen__ with: {{A player is said to be Upstanding if and only if they have nonegative Charm, Activity, and Respect.
A Player who isn't Upstanding may not be awarded a Win. This rule supersedes all rules that award wins. }} [[It was complained that the Upstanding rule was too limiting. This relaxes the restrictions to allow zeroed dimensions as well.]]
Destroy the following societies, if they exist: Orc's Exploits of Props e Voted Against The Secret Mookies Dewey, Cheetum, and Howe von Skippy Overproduction, Inc.von Skippy Experimental Technologies [[Note to the baron: This is society 1184, not society 1591. 1591 is the vSET with a charter. 1184 doesn't really have much of one. I assume 1184 exists in error]]
Wonko's Cashbox The First International Bank of bd Nzurich House Grem[[ This list has now been stripped down to the list of societies that are listed on the socs page but whose existence is questionable, and which probably don't exist. If the members of any of these societies wish to confirm their existence, and affirm that they should continue to exist, let me know and I will remove them from the list.
]] [[ The note about being On Leave stands:Interestingly enough, it is legal for a player to come Off Leave if the Clock is Off, since the rule later notes that players may come On or Off Leave even while the Clock is off. But when it's on, taking any action in the game is illegal for them.
So we'll fix that too: ]] Replace the text of r205 with: {{Each player, at any given time, shall be either On Leave or Off Leave. Any player who is Off Leave may, by posting a message on a public forum, declare emself to be On Leave. Any player who is On Leave may, by posting a message on a public forum, declare emself to be Off Leave. By taking any game action on a public forum, a player who is On Leave automatically, by implication, declares emself to be Off Leave.
A player who is On Leave cannot be selected by any process which randomly selects a player, and may not take any game actions except coming Off Leave. If more than 2/3 of all players are On Leave, The Clock shall become Off until such time as at least 1/3 of all players are Off Leave. Players may place emselves On Leave or Off Leave while The Clock is Off.
At any time, whether On Leave or Off Leave, a player may specify any amount of time, using any readily understandable measurement (ntime or regular time), with an absolute limit of one year, to be Lurking. Any player who is Lurking may cease to be by declaring such. Any player who is not already On Leave, whose Activity has decreased for two consecutive nweeks, and is not Lurking, shall be placed On Leave, and also be made On Forced Leave until such time e is not On Leave. }} [[This fixes a typo, and allows players that are On Leave to come Off Leave]]
Set the Clock to nweek 55, nday 3. [[where it was when we stopped; to the best of my knowledge, it's still there.]]
Make David E. Smith the administrator, and spoon-business@xxxxxxxxx the sole public forum.[[Not needed, but good to be safe.]]
Change the state of the game so that no player is recognizing an emergency.
Amend r1284 [[Speed Limit]] to read: {{ __Speed Limit__ {*(Basics,Objects:Points)*}For the purposes of this rule, a player's Base Score is the score e had at the beginning of the current nweek.
If at any time a player's score exceeds 250 + (eir Base Score), eir score is immediately set to 250 + (eir Base Score).
The player then recieves N Style points, up to a maximum of 30, where N is 1/10 of the number of points taken away by the previous step, rounded up.
The player may not Win in the instant before this occurs. }} Destroy all Points. [[since I may or may not have points]] }} _______________________________________________ spoon-discuss mailing list spoon-discuss@xxxxxxxxx http://lists.ellipsis.cx/mailman/listinfo/spoon-discuss