Zarpint Jeremy Cook on 21 Dec 2003 21:21:43 -0000

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Re: [spoon-discuss] Response to Archer

How about we add this to R0:

"Nothing that would occur upon reaching any Forum occurs until the Clock is On,
unless this rule states specifically that it does."

as well as fixing the Public/Private problem with another change.

Sure, Glotmorf, I'll join AS when we start.

We should start again at midnight Zulu (12 hours from now).


On Sun, 21 Dec 2003, Glotmorf wrote:

> On 21 Dec 2003 at 14:50, Zarpint Jeremy Cook wrote:
> > You're right; it's irrelevant now. I am worried about this problem though:
> >
> > If actions take place when they reach the Forum, but aren't recognized until
> > the clock is On, what happens if in the intervening time other things occur
> > that can be influenced by those actions having taken place?
> Then we have a mess.  But then, if we didn't have a mess, we
> wouldn't have an emergency.
> It raises a point, though.  Should there be a mechanism built
> into r0 that freezes or flushes the queue of actions?  Or
> should some thought just be given to it in every refresh prop?
> BTW, I'm not gonna oppose Wonko's refresh prop, since e's
> leaving me my societies now.  Even if that change didn't go
> through, I somehow suspect enough people are occupied now by
> Christmas week that I couldn't muster opposition.  Which would
> leave me ticked, but hey.
> So...who wants to join a Tontine?
> 						Glotmorf
> -----
> The Ivory Mini-Tower: a blog study in Social Technology.
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Zarpint            "All thy toiling only breeds new dreams, new dreams;
Jeremy Cook         there is no truth saving in thine own heart."
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