David E. Smith on 8 Dec 2003 07:09:51 -0000

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Re: [spoon-discuss] Mail Headers

On Mon, 8 Dec 2003, Daniel Lepage wrote:

> In a private message e sent to me, the first line actually became a
> header, and I couldn't find it until I turned on "show all headers".
> Dave, is this something you can fix?

Well, it's something where I can call the developers of the mail system we
use, and see if it's a reproducible bug.

(I'll also see whether that problem appears with the "normal" Web mail
interface. bnomic.org uses a different 'skin' than most of the other 200
or so domains hosted on that mail system, so it may be a specific quirk of
that skin. If so, I'll just switch bnomic.org to the regular boring skin.)

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