Daniel Lepage on 23 Nov 2003 17:13:00 -0000

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[spoon-discuss] Re: [Spoon-business] new object proposal

I have a few minor comments:

On Sunday, November 23, 2003, at 12:05 AM, Bill Adlam wrote:

Create a new rule as follows:

In general, it's customary to put delimiters around the entirety of the proposal, and to include the title within the delimiters, as in:

I propose:
__Title Of The Prop__

Create a new rule:
__Title of the rule__
{* (keyword1,keyword2,etc.), Chutzpah *}

... further creations/amendments/other changes

This prevents many possible misinterpretations - for example, your message about new players could be interpreted as two separate proposals, one creating a new rule and one modifying r1252; or it could be interpreted as not being a proposal at all, but rather a request to the admin for a change that's not actually within eir power. We could also interpret your signature as being part of the proposal.

__New Objects__
{* Attribute Create Object Possess Relationship *}

This is in keeping with practice so far, but I'm trying build support for a new way of keywording things, where a given keyword actually describes a keyword category, so for example this rule would probably have the keywords (Objects:Creating, Objects:Attributes, Objects:Relationships). Theoretically, somebody will one day write a new 'sort by keyword' page that would let you look at, for example, everything in Objects:Creating, or everything in Objects:*, or anything that had the keyword Objects without any subset (sort of like usenet newsgroup identifiers, if you're familiar with those).

A Attributes
When a Game Object is created it has no attributes, except those
required by the rules.

B Attribute Values
When a Game Object is given an attribute, but no value is assigned, the
attribute takes its default value.  If an attribute is required to have
a unique value, objects cannot gain that attribute unless a value is
assigned.  This may mean an Object cannot be created.

C Default Numbers
The default value for numeric attributes is 0.  This subsection defers
to all other rules that indicate default values for specific attributes
or types of numeric attribute.

D Default Text
The default value for text attributes is an empty string.  This
subsection defers to all other rules that indicate default values for
specific attributes or types of text attribute.

E Possession
No Game Object may possess a Player or Society.  When an Action of a
Player or Society creates a game object other than a Player or Society,
the Object's creator possesses it.  This subsection defers to all other
rules that determine the possession of Objects.

I disagree with this section - I see no reason why players shouldn't be able to possess each other (if you've read any of the records from before the repeal of the Grid, players could become Toads, which allowed other players to pick them up and carry them around; the Toads were said to be in the possession of the player carrying them).

F Relationships
A new Object has no relationships with other Game Objects [[e.g.
possessing them]], except those required by the rules.

From your other message:

Create a new rule as follows:

__Joining The Game__
{* Join Player *}

And in my magical perfect world, that'd be Players:Joining

An entity may post a message in the public forum requesting to become a
player of B Nomic.  This request constitutes an agreement to be bound
by the rules while playing the game.

When this message has been posted, the Administrator shall judge
whether the sender is eligible to become a player.  If the rules permit
the applicant to join the game, the Administrator shall create a player
Object and the applicant shall become a player.

The Administrator shall assign a valid name to each new player.  If
possible, this shall be the same as the name e [[the player]] already

This suggests that players should be named by their RL names, not by their chosen names in nomic.

An existing player may not join the game again, although former players
may rejoin.

The mechanism for player joining is set forth in rule 14; I think I'd prefer to see that rule amended than to see two different rules governing the same thing.


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