Baron von Skippy on 21 Nov 2003 22:02:55 -0000

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Re: [spoon-discuss] Re: [Spoon-business] Stone Swapping

>> -Explain to me how giving a stone to someone can hurt them, and maybe 
>> I'll back off that point. Depends on how often it would be an issue.-
>. V |
>. W | <- Edge of board
>. V |
>You're one move away from capturing one of my pieces and getting a 
>small formation that's more difficult to capture than some. I give you 
>my piece. Now you've just got three stones on the edge of the board 
>that can be taken by pretty much anyone whenever they want, as the 
>formation's missing 4 liberties already from the edge.

-Or you could move to the left of my upper piece and take it, breaking up that group and leaving yourself with an eye in the corner that's worth a point to you later on. Sorry, not seeing it.-
>>> If my idea goes through in its current form, a stone 'swap' system
>>> would be redundant, as what you've described is just a special case of
>>> my rule, where both players invoke the donation rules during the same
>>> CP.
>> -Not if you can only give to allies, but can trade with anyone.-
>Right. But as my prop rests right now, you can give stones to anyone, 
>and I like that.

-*shrug* Fair enough. That reminds me, does anyone have any thoughts on Legislosity, in either direction? I know it got through because it got recognized, but no one has told me how it sucks yet, and that's not normal.-
>>> Hmmm... perhaps if there were some way to force another player to swap
>>> with you?
>> -Force NotBolognaAgainWhatHaveYouGot?-
>Y'know, I miss the Force. I wonder if there'd be some way to bring it 
-It never left. It's still with us. In fact, I'd go so far as to say that the Force will be with us always. And now I'll shut up.-

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