Mark Karasek on 6 Oct 2003 20:29:48 -0000

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Re: [spoon-discuss] Proto-prop: Patents

--- Daniel Lepage <dpl33@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> The problem I see with this is that it means only
> one entity gets to 
> make such things. I'd like to see something where
> it's possible for 
> anybody to create certain objects, given enough  of
> some sort of 
> resource. Speeders were on their way to becoming
> like this - given 
> enough Raw Materials, speeders and various upgrades
> to them could be 
> engineered; the hope was that eventually, any
> entity, be it society, 
> player, or even the Admin, could create Speeders and
> upgrades - 
> assuming it was willing to take the time to gather
> the resources and 
> invest in factories. Then things like WBE and vSOI
> could arise without 
> ever being mentioned in the rules, since if all a
> player wants is, say, 
> two speeders, it's not worth their while to build an
> entire factory and 
> run all over the place gathering resources; but if a
> dozen players each 
> want two speeders, it is worthwhile for someone to
> build a factory or 
> two and organize some workers to pool resources, to
> create 24 speeders 
> then and there.

Well, the reason I created this was for, as Glotmorf
said, "sole-source vendor societies", so that the
societies wouldn't have to be specifically mentioned
in the rules. There's no problem with objects that
anyone can create being defined in the rules, because
no game entities need to be mentioned. Also, I was
considering adding a bit about being able to make a
patent you hold Public Domain, at which point a rule
would be created defining the object, the patent would
cease to exist, and anyone could create objects of
that type.

--The Pusher Robot
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