Glotmorf on 21 Sep 2003 09:51:25 -0000

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Re: [spoon-discuss] Dodgerule

On 21 Sep 2003 at 2:03, Daniel Lepage wrote:

> I've been toying with a subgame idea, and want to know what the
> general populace thinks. The game is tentatively titled Legislative
> Gunfight, and the general premise is that the players are on a small
> map, say 5x5, on which they move around and create new rules. New
> rules, once created, can be thrown at other players, sort of like
> insta-rules. There'd be some way to dodge thrown rules (haven't really
> worked that bit out yet); but if you don't dodge it and it hits you,
> it then applies to you for the rest of the round.
>  To win, you have to be the only player left who's able to create new
> rules.
> Rules could be created like, "this player may only make rules in Haiku
> form", or "this player may not move towards the left of the board
> while Dodging a rule".
> Some set of restrictions would have to be imposed on the contents of
> the rules - obviously "This player can't do anything" would be too
> powerful.
> The problem is, I can't come up with any reasonable way of ruling out
> the really powerful ones while encouraging really good ones.
> Anyone have any suggestions?

This is why I structured insta-rules the way I did: give as many variations as possible, 
but at the same time keep the variations finite.  A sheer accumulation of sticky rules 
might render someone unable to take an action, but any given individual sticky rule 
shouldn't by itself totally incapacitate.

BTW...once a rule hits someone, does that someone then possess the rule so that e 
can throw it emself?


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